Monday, October 20, 2008

Gettysburg Life Chain 2008

Yesterday afternoon, from 2:30 - 3:30, people gathered in the center of Gettysburg, PA, to pray and give silent witness for the Pro-Life cause. The sentences in blue were given to participants as suggestions for prayer and meditation during the hour of the Life Chain.

Pray a personal prayer of repentance for past failure to actively oppose abortion and to aid its victims.

Pray God's grace and healing on mothers who have had abortions.
Pray for local crisis pregnancy centers and other pro-life healing-support ministeries.Pray God's sovereignty against abortionists.
Pray for the eyes of abortionists to be opened to their killing of children.
Pray for Godly wisdom in our government and courts, and pray that God will strengthen and aid pro-life officials.Pray for the convicting impact of hundreds of Life Chains across America.

Pray for love and unity among us, God's people. Pray that we and our fellow believers will submit to God's will for our lives, families and our nation.

Pray that God will direct a profound spiritual awakening in our local community and throughout our land. Ask God how you can best help end abortion in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

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